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Subdivision Contaminated Site Assessment

Bestway Group

Doreen, Melbourne

Ecology & Science

Bestway Group engaged Morphum Environmental to carry out a contaminated site assessment at a Bassetts Road property in Doreen, which had been earmarked for a 35 lot subdivision development.

The contaminated site assessment was carried out in support of the proposed development, and was delivered in the form of a report to be submitted to the City of Whittlesea for consideration.

It took into account potential contaminants from disposed oil drums, and history about the site's prior use for a nursery which implies the use of herbicides and pesticides on the land.

Key deliverables:

  • Desktop contaminated land assessment document.
  • Thorough review of site photographs, historical aerials, Visualising Victoria’s Groundwater database and the Department of Sustainability and Environment’ (now the Department of Environment and Primary Industries) coastal acid sulphate soils database.
  • Provision of recommendations for further site assessment.

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