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Urban Forest Strategy

The Nature Conservancy Australia


Ecology & Science

Geospatial Services

Morphum Environmental was engaged by The Nature Conservancy Australia (TNC) to provide spatial data management and remote sensing capabilities within the Urban Forest Strategy initiative across greater Melbourne. The release of the final report Living Melbourne marks the first urban forest strategy for the metropolitan Melbourne region.

Urban forest mapping and management has become an all-important feature of the urban environment and Morphum Environmental are proud to have delivered a key role in this project by generating a detailed vegetation dataset.  

Morphum’s contribution to Living Melbourne consisted of management and review of satellite imagery and LiDAR rastar datasets. Mosaicking and automated clipping of rastar data was also performed, as well as further formatting and processing of both datasets. The data was then processed in Trimble eCognition software using an optimised workflow to create the final outputs.

The project was separated into three separate work packages.

  • Managing, reviewing and mosaicking datasets.
  • Processing raster tiles using eCognition to generate vector-based vegetation data in 5 height bands.
  • Detailed QA of outputs, merging data and converting to city-wide datasets and urban forest structure raster, based on key project areas.

Morphum’s contribution to this project has been well received by the client, and the outputs and data are being distributed to each of the councils for future use.

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