Waterfall in Great Otway National Park, Victoria, Australia

News & Articles

Read more about Morphum's work, thought pieces how we co-create thriving Australian ecosystems.
Morphum decided to track our emissions and establish ways to improve our carbon footprint and now we provide this as a service

Our Road To Carbon Neutrality

For a small business, investing in emissions tracking can be a significant step but by understanding our footprint, we could identify opportunities for improvement and set a standard for the industry.
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Woody debris in a freshwater stream that has created ecological habitat

Creating Freshwater Habitat From Debris

Woody debris in stream channels is often viewed as an obstacle, but this “obstacle” also plays a vital role in creating diverse aquatic habitats.
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Across The Ditch: The Bottle That Speaks Of The Past

Sometime in the 1880’s a ginger beer bottle was flippantly discarded in the headwaters of Papawai Stream in New Zealand.
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What Does A Sustainable Future For Our Water Look Like?

“Accelerating Action” is the theme of 2024’s National Water Week here in Australia and asks the community working with water to accelerate action towards a more sustainable water future. So, what does a sustainable future for our water look like?
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Reconnecting Our Freshwater Highways

If there is one thing that nearly all life on earth needs, it is fresh water. We can estimate the health of freshwater bodies like our rivers, lakes, and wetlands through assessing what thrives in and around these environments.
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Insights from the World Green Infrastructure Congress

Morphum Environmental was privileged to be a Bronze sponsor of the 11th World Green Infrastructure Congress held in Tāmaki Makaurau at Waipapa Taumata Rau (The University of Auckland) last week.
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Why Businesses Need Biodiversity

Statistically, we know businesses need biodiversity. To understand why and the future of this relationship, we need to look at the role of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), and how companies can create a biodiversity-positive impact.
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The Business Case for Sustainable Practices

The reality is that while once thought to be conflicting goals, embedding more sustainable practices is good for the bottom line.
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Across The Ditch: What Is Water Worth?

If there is one thing that nearly all life on earth needs, it is fresh water. We can estimate the health of freshwater bodies like our rivers, lakes, and wetlands through assessing what thrives in and around these environments.
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Morphum 2023 Sustainability Report

Welcome to the third edition of our Sustainability Report, where we share and take stock of our efforts within nature’s interwoven tapestry of water, life and land.
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The power of eDNA

eDNA is a powerful tool to supplement standard monitoring techniques. We're CSI and the river is our crime scene.
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