The City Of Geelong, Victoria, Australia as part of a geospatial water sensitive urban design analysis

Geospatial Services

Morphum’s Geospatial (GIS) team have been pushing the boundaries of data analysis and visualisation since it's early conception.

Our expertise ensures that our clients can make informed decisions about their water, including everything from water quality and catchment planning through to stormwater asset monitoring.

Our Geospatial Solutions

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Our geospatial (GIS) solutions deliver versatile analysis tools and digital representations encompassing both natural landscapes and built environments.

By managing and communicating complex data, we can help you deliver insights for a wide range of audiences and applications.

Whether you are looking for internal technical systems or engaging public-facing portals, we can empower you to understand and explore your local, state and national areas.
Asset management geospatial GIS tool screenshot showing Morphum's support with stormwater asset tracking

Asset Management Tools

Data collection and the development of asset registers does not have to be overwhelming.

The organisation of key asset information is both a basic and a vital component of any asset management system, but actioning improvements to asset management systems or databases is often put in the too hard or too expensive basket.

With a tailored asset management tool, you can organise data from multiple spreadsheets, GIS files and hand sketches on the back of service request forms into an accessible and future-proof system.
Assessing flood and natural hazard risk areas in a custom-built geospatial GIS tool for councils

Flood Hydrology & Natural Hazard Tools

Geospatial data is the foundation of planning for positive outcomes, and expert geospatial analysis forms the next step to inform decision-making and prioritisation.

With access to a visual toolset with a single location for all your data, landscapes can be analysed and actions can be prioritised to prevent or mitigate the risks of extreme weather events.

Let's plan for the future and build resilient communities together.
A geospatial GIS overview of Port Franklin, Victoria, Australia as part of our mapping services at Morphum Environmental

Catchment Management Tools

Shaping the future of catchments, communities and infrastructure requires informed decision-making ability.

Our advanced geospatial tools collect, analyse, and visualise geographical data, providing precise and actionable insights to support environmental monitoring, assessment, and regulatory compliance efforts.

With one tool for all your data, you can perform quality analysis, faster.
Storymaps stakeholder and community engagement tool to communicate the story of an environmental engineering or geospatial project

Storytelling & Communication

Engage more effectively with stakeholders and communities by bringing data to life.  Our storytelling services help to communicate complex data and geospatial layers in an engaging and accessible way, through custom-built digital tools.

We use visual narratives to illustrate the impacts of environmental changes, the effectiveness of mitigation strategies, and the outcomes of sustainable practices or habitat regeneration.
Drainage network GIS mapping and asset management tool development for urban environments in Victoria, Australia

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Analysis

With machine learning and artificial intelligence analysis, you can understand complex issues, forecast the future and identify the best opportunities to improve your city.

Our tools have comprehensive quality assurance protocols to validate data and exceed industry standards for accuracy, so you can remain confident that your tools can support your district or region.

Let’s utilise the next generation of geospatial technology to build a better and more sustainable future.

We can help you with:

Catchment data visualisation
Asset network mapping & prioritisation
Contaminant load modelling
Data management systems
Overland flow path modelling
Connected utility networks modelling
Hydrological monitoring
Catchment action prioritisation
Community & stakeholder engagement
Freshwater assessments and delineation
Flood & natural hazard risk modelling
Water quality monitoring systems
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Our GIS Projects

Greater Geelong Stormwater Asset Management

Stormwater network mapping and building processes for Victoria's largest provincial city.

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Birds eye view of Greater Geelong with their stormwater assets

Freshwater Catchment Management Tool For Council

Managing freshwater quality and contaminant load models in one visual region-wide tool.

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Mapping the freshwater waterways and catchments across a region for a council to help manage contaminant loads and assets for the future of integrated water management planning
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Why choose Morphum for your

GIS Solutions

One data for all your geospatial GIS tools and streamlining environmental management solutions icon

One Tool For All Your Data

With a single constructed location for all data analysis, our clients receive a fully integrated view of any geospatial data that is collected.

Our suite of tools means that the pains and productivity delays of managing multiple data platforms are eliminated, leaving your team and stakeholders on the same page with the same data.
Water engineering and analysis for stormwater, wastewater and source or supply water

Your Data, Your Tools

When a system is built, our clients may retain full ownership of their data and newly constructed geospatial toolkit, and we can provide training, architecture deployment and quality assurance to assist with the handover.

This means that they receive a custom built solution with an ongoing return that far outweighs the investment.
Catchment Planning Services

Experienced In Innovation

Since the development of modern geospatial mapping tools, Morphum has been involved. It was nearly 20 years ago that we first introduced these services, and we continue to push the capabilities of GIS.

We have worked with clients across Australia and New Zealand leading to cross-regional insights and an understanding of how we can create constant improvement to the geospatial services we offer.

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