Melbourne City and the Yarra River with it's water systems

Stormwater Management

Ensure your development meets council stormwater requirements with a Stormwater Management Strategy.

Ensure your development meets requirements

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As part of the planning process, proposed land developments might be asked to submit a stormwater management strategy to their respective local council to demonstrate how the development will meet the required drainage, flood protection and water quality protection standards.

These plans require a holistic approach to assess both stormwater inputs and outputs in the catchment area – ensuring they adhere to Stormwater Best-Practice Environmental Management Guidelines (BPEMG) and local council planning schemes.

To help you get approval to proceed, we’ll develop a detailed stormwater management strategy to ensure your development meets council stormwater requirements.

A tailored approach from stormwater strategy to system design

With many years’ experience working in and with councils to develop better manage their stormwater assets, we understand the specific water management objectives that each council has and are able to tailor our approach accordingly. Our stormwater engineers understand the BPEMG requirements inside and out. You can rest assured that all the aspects will be addressed in clear, concise manner to ensure your stormwater management strategy can be assessed by Council efficiently.

At Morphum Environmental, we take a pragmatic approach to find solutions that will suit both you and Council – helping prove why it’s feasible for your development to proceed and providing ways to work around any constraints that might exist.

We’ll assess the impact your proposed development will have on stormwater runoff, flooding, waterway and water quality. Our stormwater engineers can work with any existing modelling data you might have, or we can undertake stormwater modelling from the ground up including flood modelling, MUSIC modelling (hydrology and water quality) and HEC-RAS modelling (flow modelling).

Our completed stormwater management strategy will then be presented to you, ready for inclusion in your council submission, and will feature up-to-date modelling, drawings and recommendations that are implementable. Once your stormwater management strategy has been accepted by Council, we can also design stormwater management system components for you that will bring your plan to life.

We can help you with:

Developing stormwater management strategy
Flood, water-quality and flow modelling
Flooding & runoff assessments
Stormwater, wastewater and water sensitive urban design principles
Flood mitigation measures
Wetlands design & restoration
Swales design
Stormwater Harvesting
Storm & rainfall assessments
Waterways management plans
Hydrology assessments
Integrated water management
Stormwater management systems
Planting plans
Raingardens design & restoration
Road drainage
Insurance Hydrology
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Water sensitive urban design solutions and stormwater asset management planning illustration

Past Stormwater Management Projects

Vineyard Stormwater Management Assessment

Assessing and recommending stormwater and wastewater options for a commercial dried fruit company.

About Project ▸
Vineyard undergoing stormwater and wastewater management assessments

Greater Geelong Stormwater Asset Management

Investigating the stormwater network of Victoria's largest provincial city.

About Project ▸
Birds eye view of Greater Geelong with their stormwater assets
All Projects ▸

Why choose Morphum for your

Stormwater Management

Water Engineering Services

Enhanced Waterways

Our environment has been at the core of the business since the day Morphum was founded. We are committed to providing solutions that not only meet our clients' needs but also enhance the surrounding environment and communities.

Our team of ecologists, fluvial geomorphologists and engineers work closely together on stream works projects to create innovative designs that improve erosion protection, energy dissipation, stream stability and enhance freshwater and riparian terrestrial habitats.

We’re passionate about protecting fish passage and can provide a range of easy-to-construct solutions for remediating fish passage barriers.
Climate Risk & Adaptation Services

Emergency & Flood Response

In times of emergency, swift and effective flood response is critical.

Our flood risk & engineering consultants are equipped to handle emergency works for flood response and provide resilience strategies to minimise damage ahead of time.

We offer comprehensive flood risk assessments, emergency planning, and urgent works design to help communities recover.

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