A tailored approach from stormwater strategy to system design
With many years’ experience working in and with councils to develop better manage their stormwater assets, we understand the specific water management objectives that each council has and are able to tailor our approach accordingly. Our stormwater engineers understand the BPEMG requirements inside and out. You can rest assured that all the aspects will be addressed in clear, concise manner to ensure your stormwater management strategy can be assessed by Council efficiently.
At Morphum Environmental, we take a pragmatic approach to find solutions that will suit both you and Council – helping prove why it’s feasible for your development to proceed and providing ways to work around any constraints that might exist.
We’ll assess the impact your proposed development will have on stormwater runoff, flooding, waterway and water quality. Our stormwater engineers can work with any existing modelling data you might have, or we can undertake stormwater modelling from the ground up including flood modelling, MUSIC modelling (hydrology and water quality) and HEC-RAS modelling (flow modelling).
Our completed stormwater management strategy will then be presented to you, ready for inclusion in your council submission, and will feature up-to-date modelling, drawings and recommendations that are implementable. Once your stormwater management strategy has been accepted by Council, we can also design stormwater management system components for you that will bring your plan to life.