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Erosion & Overland Flow Control

Manningham City Council

Manningham, Melbourne

Enviro Engineering

Water Engineering

Climate Risk & Adaptation

A suburban park-side area was at risk of erosion from an existing stormwater system that relied on an overland flow path, crossing a footpath. Manningham City Council identified the issue, and brought Morphum in to develop a low-impact and practical design that could mitigate the overland flow and provide some water quality treatment at the same time.

Existing information around the site and networks was evaluated, including geotechnical analysis, and when followed by catchment analysis, Morphum was able to propose three possible options for the council.

Considering the space limitations due to nearby properties, existing infrastructure and the topography of the site, Morphum determined that a swale arrangement would be the most practical solution.

Designing a Water-Sensitive Solution

The proposed concept featured a trapezoidal cross-section with check dams incorporated to manage the flows across the longitudinal slope. The design incorporates an inlet option (likely a sump pit discharging into a rock apron at the commencement of the swale) based on a comprehensive opportunities and constraints assessment and iterative design process to determine the outcome of best fit.

Provisions were also considered for under-footpath drainage and a smooth transition to the existing downstream swale.

The design includes retrofitting a sump pit, which will capture coarser sediment, before discharging through the existing outfall with rock beaching dissipating energy from incoming flows. This will reduce the likelihood of scouring as it flows through the swale.

The Impact

Water-sensitive urban design (WSUD) solutions are centredaround the ability to work with our water for the best outcomes across theboard. This particular project means that improved safety for pedestrians andcouncil staff, greater control and risk mitigation of the overland flow, and somelevel of improvement of stormwater quality before the discharge into RuffeyCreek. These benefits are added on top of the benefits that come fromlow-impact and cost-effective design that integrates and adds value to thesurrounding parkland.


The concept and subsequent detailed designs will effectively manage stormwater from the contributing catchment.

Designing for the Future of Water

We help design and assess Water Sensitive Urban Design infrastructure for the future of water.

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